
Showing posts from January, 2015

Selfie with the View!

I couldn't resist to take this picture, This is from a high-rise in Central Jerusalem I liked the view and the "mirror" effect!   It is still cold at night, not quite spring in Jerusalem yet. Rachael Alice Orbach - roving cellphone photographer! 

A Porch with a view - Jerusalem

This is the dream of many people, To be able to look out on Jerusalem from their window! If the City Planners have their way, however, this view will disappear and become high rise office buildings. . . What do you prefer? Rachael Alice Orbach - Roving Photographer 

The last snowman of the season

Snow on a Jerusalem Street Olav - from the Movie Frozen says hello to you. Friday was the best snow of the week, and we even were able to make a small snowman.  Here he is guarding the porch!  A week to remember.  We were waiting for the Mother of all Storms to hit, and all we got was a dribble of snow.  It took all Friday afternoon to stick, so we enjoyed the best we could.  At least it made up for the lack of vacation that didn't happen on Chanukah! Keep Warm and Dry! Rachael Alice Orbach - roving cellphone photographer!

How to get ready for the possible Snow this weekend

If you have been following the news, then you know that Jerusalem might be blessed with snow this coming weekend.  Last year we were woefully unprepared, both personally and the city as well. How to get yourself ready?   These are my personal recommendations that I am starting to do to get ready.  If they help you, then I will be very happy. Well, first, make sure that your roof and outside porches don't have any blockages with leaves and dirt blocking up the drains. Secondly, check that the places that leaked before, have been fixed, but if you haven't been able to do that, like me, then do a cleaning  session under the leak and put a bucket under where you think the water will come in. Thirdly, Make sure that you have enough food in the house.  If there will be a big snowstorm, you know that the local stores will not be able to open.  I will stock up on bread, buying three this week, and put the other two in the fridge.  Look at your pantry...