If you have been following the news, then you know that Jerusalem might be blessed with snow this coming weekend. Last year we were woefully unprepared, both personally and the city as well. How to get yourself ready? These are my personal recommendations that I am starting to do to get ready. If they help you, then I will be very happy. Well, first, make sure that your roof and outside porches don't have any blockages with leaves and dirt blocking up the drains. Secondly, check that the places that leaked before, have been fixed, but if you haven't been able to do that, like me, then do a cleaning session under the leak and put a bucket under where you think the water will come in. Thirdly, Make sure that you have enough food in the house. If there will be a big snowstorm, you know that the local stores will not be able to open. I will stock up on bread, buying three this week, and put the other two in the fridge. Look at your pantry...