A new act of Islamic barbary, 41 innocent people wounded. One person has already died. In front of Benyane Haumah, a suspicious object abandoned at the bus stop 74 exploded, and wounded 51 people, 4 seriously. The explosive charge was placed at a public telephone booth and was detonated as two packed buses passed by. This is a new provocation from the Islamic barbarians after the launching of 54 missiles in one day, a nd the massacre of a Jewish family in Itamar, with 2 children and a 2 month baby butchered. Muslims are feasting and distributing candies for this new barbaric act. Since I was next to the scene of the terrorist attack, here are some pictures. NOUVEL ACTE DE BARBARIE ISLAMIQUE Un nouvel acte de la barbarie islamique- 41 innocents blessés.Une personne agee est decedee de ses blessures.La charge explosive etait sur un telephone public, et le terroriste l'a fait exploser alors que 2...