
Showing posts from 2017

Community English library - In the footsteps of Benjamin Franklin

I have been reading the biography of Benjamin Franklin, and I thought it would be a good idea to have a Community English library. Each person would list 10-15 books that he or she would be willing to lend out. Every person in the library lists their books. When someone wants to borrow a book, then they would contact the person, go there and borrow the book. Then return it to where it came from. People can put books in any language on their list.  Mark your books with your name and contact details. Put your list on the comments section of this post. If this ends up to be a big concern, then I will open a website and each person can get a page to list their books. What do you think?  I think it is a great idea and a better alternative to buying books and trying to sell them back. If people want, they can also use this system for school books. Good luck and have fun reading books! Rachael Alice Orbach Jerusalem 

View of the Russian Convent in Eini Kerem.

I don't usually post pictures of churches on this blog, but I have seen this from afar many times.  When you are driving to the Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital, this view keeps popping up so you might get distracted by the view.  You might wonder about the golden dome church and why it is up there? Well this link:   Will tell you all about it. If you want to go to visit, remember that visitors are not allowed inside the church, but the view and the exterior might be enough to justify the trip. Since you have to go into the Hadassah Hosiptal complex, you will have to pay the parking fee for the hospital, so don't be surprised. Have a good trip! Rachael Alice 

Take a walk in Jerusalem! Looks Mediterranean, doesn't it?

Take a walk in the afternoon in Jerusalem, this scene reminds me of a place in other  Mediterranean countries.  In the fall, there will be grapes on the branches,  You can pick one to eat while you walk. I welcome you to Jerusalem! Rachael Alice Orbach 

Sunset in the Jerusalem Hills

Just had to take this photo of the sunset.  Boy, I miss sunsets, I live on the North East side of the building and I miss seeing the sunset every day.  My next apartment just has got to be to the West!  Or I will have to look at this post everyday!!!  You can too!! Rachael Don't forget to go to the ​ The Jerusalem Magic Candy Shop   now on Amazon!

A view of the Western Hills of Jerusalem

 Take a sneak peek a the Western Hills of Jerusalem, If you look carefully you can see the main highway work going on.  Beautiful spring day, the buds are just coming out on the trees.  Come to Jerusalem!

Jerusalem Sunset!

Wonderful Sunset in Jerusalem!! 

Spring is Here and so are the Flowers!

הקיץ הגיע וגם הפרחים בכל    מקום בירשלים 

Winter Sunny Day in Jerusalem

Look at the contrast with the light and shadow!