
Showing posts from September, 2014

First Cloud in the Valley Day of the Fall - Jerusalem

First Cloud in the Valley in Jerusalem - a reminder from the Holy, One Blessed be He, Hashem that the world is indeed beautiful .  Rachael Alice Orbach -

A door in Jerusalem

Such a door, color coordinated with the Mailbox and the tiles, caught my eye as I was walking to an appointment in Jerusalem. Traveling Hair Salon can come to you in Jerusalem! - use the contact form on the site!

The view of Givat Shaul Industrial section

You can see History in the making in Jerusalem.  This area used to be the Kanfei Nesharim airport over 60 years ago, but now it is a bustling industrial and shopping center in the western part of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is still surrounded by the forest, giving the city its "green lung."  Rachael Alice Orbach