
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Great Synagogue of the Old City of Jerusalem during the day and at night!

I was in the Old City this week, and I couldn't resist these pictures.  You never know when you are going to be that way again, so it is best to catch your memories when you see them! This was one of the synagogues which was destroyed in 1948 when Israel had to surrender the Old City of Jerusalem to Jordan. Now, has been rebuilt and it is beautiful! You can go inside as a tour, or even pray there! Rachael Alice  052-7500608

Doorways and Windows

This is a view from inside the Ramban Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem!   This is a beautiful walkway tucked away near Eithopia Street. Don't you just want to sit in the shade and enjoy? Rachael Alice Orbach - Traveling Hair Salon, is out and about in Jerusalem! 052-7500608