
Showing posts from June, 2012

A view from a government office

This is the view from a government office, Israel has the ears open to the world!  A ready made picture. 

New Moon sets in the West

This Motzi Shabbat was the Third of Tammuz I caught the moon just as it was going down in the west. There is a Jewish prayer that we say on the New Moon, and it is said only for the first seven days!  Bircat Ha Levana!  Bircat because that is the word for blessing, and Levana for the moon. For more information about the New Moon and the history of this short prayer service go here: Chodesh Tov, Rachael Orbach  

Kiryat Moshe, Jerusalem

Here is a synagogue in Kiryat Moshe, a blue sky, a warm day , give thanks to Hashem. Rachael Alice

Sunrise and dew in the valley in Jerusalem! מוריד הטל מוקדם בבוקר

Sunrise is truly a miracle!  מוריד הטל מוקדם בבוקר